Stories and poems of any length are welcome.
Lone Star Stories pays $20 (U.S.) per story and $10 (U.S.) per poem within a few days of
acceptance for nonexclusive electronic rights for a two month period. Works are archived for
a year once an issue ends, after which the author may request that the work be removed from
the site.
Send submissions in standard manuscript format as .rtf (Rich Text
Format) file attachments to the following
e-mail address:
(Poems may be included in the body of the e-mail.) Include your
name, physical address, title of the work, and word count (line count for poems) in your e-mail.
Please do not include a synopsis of the work you are submitting.
Reprints of fiction and poetry are welcome (posting in a blog is not
considered pre-publication here); just be sure to note where and when the work
was published.
Multiple submissions (up to three works) are fine for short poems (20 lines or less) but not for longer works. Simultaneous submissions are
acceptable as long as you note it in your e-mail.
If a story is
declined by Lone Star Stories without a request for a rewrite,
please do not resubmit the work unless the work has been
substantially revised since it was declined. Please note in
your email that the story is a resubmission.
Expect a response to a submission within a day or two. If you haven't heard back after a week,
please query at