it is the sky that calls to us

by Terrie Leigh Relf




it is the sky that calls to us


through the
kitchen window
where wilted flowers
cling to
the last striations
of light
then are recast
in chiaroscuro
until alone in the dark
with the sky
the sky
that tastes of blood
left too long
in a vein
it is the sky
that calls to us
while flowers wind

then wilt as

wrought iron bars
become molten
and a distant hand
shapes them
into ships
that sail
from one star
to the next

it is the sky
that calls us
and so we
abandon earth
through a window
set to explode
behind us
wilted flowers
to our souls


"it is the sky that calls to us" copyright © Terrie Leigh Relf 2005


About the Author:

Terrie Leigh Relf is a poet, and she often wonders what that means.  She lives in the arty community of South Park, nestled in San Diego, California.  Her poem, “a poet on board,” was recently nominated for a Rhysling Award.  


Lone Star Stories * Speculative Fiction and Poetry * Copyright © 2003-2005


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